3rd Workshop On Contract & Procurement - Accelerator to Project Implementation.

<p>India's vision for a gas-based economy brings focus on gas retailing. The commitment to climate change, though brings renewable to the forefront, however, the commitment of 175 GW from renewable will hardly reduce the use of natural gas, which has to increase its spread to the domain of more polluting fuel like Coal, Furnace oil and LSHS, apart from its extensive use in fertilizer and petrochemical industries.</p><br>
<p>The focus on CGD as a means to accelerate gas retailing is a very welcome step, but this has posed a big challenge for developing the corresponding infrastructure including last-mile connectivity.</p><br>
<p>The coverage of the country's population, which will have access to natural gas, after the 10th round of bidding, has exceeded 70%with coverage of more than 52% of the area. In terms of the committed work program the 9th and 10thround alone (over a period of 8 years) account for 423 Lac PNG domestic connection, 8181 CNG station and 1.74 Lac Inch-Km steel pipeline, as against present coverage before 9th round of bidding (covered over a period of 25 years) of 42 Lac PNG connections, 1300 CNG stations and, 1.0 Lac Inch- Km of steel pipeline network.</p><br>
<p>The experience has shown that major support to achieve such a tight target comes essentially from C& P as other activities of execution and supervision can be outsourced. The impediments in fast track procurement and contracting are the cumbersome GCC/SCC, inadequacy in Vendor evaluation, slow in-house processing, time-consuming ordering and post order execution system. The answer lies in streamlining the process to reduce lead- time and to ensure fast track execution with the least dispute.</p><Br>
<p>To address these issues of expeditious and hassle-free operations of C&P, Resonance Energy organizes its 3rd workshop on Contract and Procurement. The workshop focuses on the role of C&P to help meet the stretched target of the committed work program. The workshop will deliberate various issues including application of IT (e-Tendering, Reverse Bidding, ERP, etc.) streamlining GCC and SCC with a view to reduce lead time and minimize litigations. </p><br> <p>The program is must attend for professionals engaged in material management, contract execution, equipment suppliers, service providers, consultants, arbitrators, and law firms.</p> <br><br>