2nd Edition of Workshop on ‘Role of Contract & Procurement’ in CGD.
<p>The development of CGD network in the country has been on the path of rapid growth, as the controlled price gas, for PNG and CNG,has been encouraged by the Government. Till July 2018, there are 36 entities operating in 102 Geographical Areas (GAs) covering 11% area and 19% population of the country. CGD was introduced in India in 1993 has now completed 25 years and the achievements has been; 42 lakhs PNG connections and 1300 CNG stations.&nbsp;</p><p>The 9th CGD bidding round has just been concluded where 86 GAs covering 174 districts in 22 States and Union territories encompassing 24% area and 29% population of India. The 8 year work programme committed for PNG exceeds 1.6 Croreconnections and 4000 CNG stations.<br></p><p>The work programme committed in this bidding round is highly ambitious. The PNGRB has pre determined the penalties for defaults; as a result there will be huge pressure on the authorized entities to fulfill the committed work programme. The Board has also been following up the target completion of the previously authorized entities.<br></p><p>The advancement in C&amp;P procedure for e-tendering and reverse bidding has shown some improvement in standardizing the procedure. However traditional GCC (General condition of contract) and SCC (Special condition of contract) continue to create a bulky tender document more often not fully gone through by the bidders.&nbsp;<br></p><p>To address these issues Resonance Energy organizes the <b>2nd edition of workshop on Materials and Contract Management.</b> The present workshop focuses on the role of C&amp;P department to help meeting the stretched targets for CNG (inch km &amp; dispensing station) and PNG (domestic).The workshop is expected to reduce lead time and makes clear vision to achieve fast track completion of the targets. The workshop provides an opportunity to share knowledge and experience and devise way forward. The program is targeted to CGD entities, professionals engaged in material management and contract, equipment seller, consultant, service providers arbitrators and law firms.<br></p>