4th International Conference & Exhibition on ‘Pipeline Integrity Management System’.
<p>The pipeline transportation of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas is a proven, safe and economic transportation method world over. In Indian context 100% of petroleum, around 70% of petroleum products and 100% of natural gas is being transported through pipelines. The issues of ensuring the integrity of such systems are therefore, of paramount interest.&nbsp;<br></p><br><p>Over a period of time, we have built and are operating a network of about 10,400 kilometres of petroleum, about 16,500 kilometres of petroleum products and 16552.4 kilometres of natural gas pipelines in the country. Apart from this 7470.5 kilometres of petroleum and petroleum products, and 11,747 kms of natural gas pipelines are either under construction or planned. Additionally, 43 CGD entities have either established the piping systems within various geographical areas for distribution of Natural Gas through steel transmission and sub transmission pipelines, MDP Network and other last mile connectivity systems. Thus, it can be said that the pipeline infrastructure in the country is not only reasonably well established but is also on a growth trajectory.</p><br><p>These pipelines are lifelines for flow of vital energy substances and are laid mostly underground. They are vulnerable from safety &amp; security point of view as well as natural process of corrosion, both from the soil and the fluid flowing within the pipeline. The industry has encountered various failures in these pipelines and is on a continuous look out for monitoring and mitigation of problems encountered. Thus, management of integrity of the pipelines is of supreme importance to the pipeline operator, as their business depends upon trouble free operation of the pipeline system.&nbsp;</p><br><p>For integrity management there are various methods, tools and techniques available for monitoring the “In Service” pipelines, right from the selection of suitable material of the pipe, design &amp; construction as well as systematic and proper operation. Also, appropriate corrosion protection measures including proper insulation against external corrosion, and corrosion inhibition against internal corrosion has to be adopted. Suitable cathodic protection system, needs to be installed to supplement the pipe against soil corrosion. Having adopted various methods for corrosion prevention, still there have been cases of failures on this account. Thus, it is imperative that proper tools and methodology be adopted for inspection of the pipelines to identify the condition from time to time and take mitigation measures for integrity management.</p><br><p>Organisations like Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD), Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) have formulated various codes and standards for the industry to follow for this purpose. Apart from this all individual entities, such as IOC, GAIL, HPCL, BPCL, IGL, MGL, etc. are also following their inhouse integrity management systems.&nbsp;</p><br><p>Resonance Energy is in the process of organising 4th Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS 2019) Conference cum Exhibition scheduled on 29-30 August 2019. The conference shall discuss in depth, issues right from design aspects, metallurgy, construction practices including requirements as per land profile, operations as per international practices and the laid down standards. The conference shall also cover state of art techniques being adopted for monitoring, assessment and analysis of pipeline health, piggable, and non-piggable pipelines both for cross country as well as city gas distribution systems. Availability of tools, systems and statutory regulations for pipeline integrity will also be deliberated.&nbsp;</p><br><p>The accompanying exhibition brings various stakeholders together to showcase their products and services covering the value chain of entire pipeline activities. May it be, line pipe manufacturing, pipeline design and construction, coating and catholic protection, ILI, condition monitoring of non-piggable pipeline, electronic based surveillance system etc.</p><p><br></p>